Grilled Shishito Peppers

Inspired by Noah’s Pepper Garden - Brooklyn, NY

A few years back a huge craze burned through the New York food scene like wildfire. In many restaurants and bars you could find blistered shishito peppers on the menu. Shishitos are sweet and have a mild spice 90% of the time (one may surprise you from time to time). Once blistered they are soft and delicious and the perfect pepper to pop into your mouth as you enjoy time with friends. The craze has since dwindled, but thanks to my friend who decided to grow a pepper garden during quarantine, I have recently rediscovered these perfect appetizers. Go grab these yourself and enjoy without those NYC restaurant prices.



  • ½ lb of shishito peppers (or as many as you wish)

  • 1 TBS of olive oil

  • Coarse sea salt



  1. Wash peppers and toss with olive oil

  2. Heat grill or cast iron on medium-high heat

  3. Place peppers on grill or cast iron without overlapping, then cook until charred and blistered, rotating as they cook (6 to 8 minutes total)

  4. Remove from heat and sprinkle was salt

  5. Serve whole and enjoy immediately


That’s it! These are delicious as is but if you want to get fancy then feel free to grate some fresh Parmesan on top or sprinkle with paprika.

Don’t have a grill or cast iron? That’s ok. Roast in the oven at 425°F for 10 minutes, rotating halfway through.