Potato Salad

Inspired by The Arthur’s - Plano, TX

There are countless ways to make potato salad. Some are heavy on the mustard, others the mayo. Some call for large wedges of potato, others are a bit more on the mashed side. This recipe comes from family friends I knew growing up who used to keep their recipe quite secret. My dad used to beg them for their recipe at summer cookouts and one year on his birthday they gifted him with what you see here. It remains a summer classic.

This recipe is inspired by family friends from growing up and their family recipe for potato salad. I am certain there have been a few adjustments over the years but this stuff is pretty great.



  • 1 ¾ lbs red potatoes

  • ¾ cup chopped white onion

  • 4 large hard boiled eggs, peeled and chopped

  • ½ TBS celery seed

  • 1 TBS finely chopped chives

  • 1 cup mayo

  • ½ cup sour cream

  • 1 tsp salt

  • ½ tsp white pepper

  • ½ tsp dry mustard

  • ½ tsp sugar

  • 1 ½ TBS pickle juice

  • Paprika (for topping)



  1. In a large sauce pan, cover potatoes with cold water, 3 TBS salt, then bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes (check for doneness by sliding a sharp knife into a potato - when it easily slides in and out and remains clean, you are ready - if not ready after 20 minutes keep checking every 5 minutes - depending on size of potatoes it can take up to 40 minutes)

  2. Drain potatoes and set aside to let cool

  3. As potatoes cool, take a bowl and make the dressing by combining mayo, sour cream, salt, white pepper, dry mustard, sugar, and pickle juice

  4. When potatoes are cool, slice into ½ inch cubes, leaving the skin on

  5. In a large bowl toss together diced potatoes, chopped hard boiled eggs, chopped onion, celery seed, and chives

  6. Pour dressing over potato mix and toss to combine

  7. Cover and refrigerate potato salad for at least 4 hours before serving, topping with paprika and more chopped chives if desired


You don’t have to be completely accurate on your potato weight. Anywhere between 1 ½ and 2 lbs should do fine. For this go-round I grabbed 3 large red potatoes from the store and they came out to 1.86 lbs. Maybe you find smaller or larger potatoes - that’s fine - just use more or less dressing to adjust. As you pour and mix your dressing you’ll see very quickly what you specifically like. Personally, I like alot of dressing. Only in America can we cover a bunch of potatoes with mayo and sour cream and call it a salad.

Be sure to start checking the doneness on the potatoes after a 20 minute simmer. They probably won’t be quite done at that point but you want to get a feel for where you are. The goal is to make sure they are cooked throughout but not cooked so much that you end up making mashed potato salad.